Sunday, May 29, 2016

What the heck are you talking about?

Dragons are like dinosaurs, they hatch in eggs, but dragons have special powers and abilities. Aliens from another galaxy sent dragon eggs to the middle of the pacific ocean, millions of them. They come in all shapes and sizes, and all have powers, and they all are huge. They are car sized, as adults. The aliens, called The A-P Corabates, coded the dragon's DNA so that the eggs don't hatch for 20 years, and 5 years after they hatch, they form a cocoon from materials in the immediate area, and go through chrysalis for a month. When they emerge, they are adults, and their childhood is over. They gain better flight abilities and get bigger. They turn from the size of a SmartCar to the size of a minivan. On most beaches, you will find "stones", or what you thought was stones until you realize it's a camouflaged egg! The way to tell if it's an egg, is if it has no edges, corners, or margins. I will post examples. The eggs don't have to be egg shaped, they can me rough triangles, spheres, or any shape with smooth edges.

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