Monday, May 30, 2016

Different types and varieties of eggs and dragons

Garden Dragon:
The Garden Dragon has the power to make plants grow all around them and make flowers bloom! He/She can revive dead and withering plants too! The Garden Dragons are the nicest dragons. They are very caring and have a huge heart!(Uncommon)
Water Dragon:

The water dragon has a short temper, but a kind personality. It can hydrate dehydrated plants and humans without touching them! Somehow, the water dragon can hold a whole Olympic sized swimming pool's worth of water in it's minivan sized body too! It has a very powerful spit. The water dragon can spit water 20 feet!(Common)

Primitive Dragon:

The Primitive Dragon learns how to make and craft small items from day one. Once in adulthood, it can craft things such as cars, computers, and even small appliances. As a baby, it learns to craft small things such as tools (swords, pickaxes, axes, and spears) and contraptions (flashlights, remote control cars, and fm/am radios). It can easily learn arts and crafts, such as drawing and pottery. Its personality is very friendly and caring. If you get hurt, it can easily fashion a bandage and disinfectant from nearby plants and materials.(Very Common)

Grocery Dragon:

The Grocery Dragon has a great personality. It is very kind and loving. It is called the Grocery Dragon because if can get you free groceries! It is an expert cook, so it can make cheerios and hot dogs right at home! Hungry for some nice prime ribs? Send your dragon out to a cattle field and ta-daaaa! Now you have steak for dinner! If it doesn't have enough materials, it can find them on its own! This dragon is a great companion and friend.(Rare)

Ice Dragon:

Any kid can remember Frozone from The Incredibles! This dragon is just like him! Anywhere it goes, it can create an ice rink or hockey arena! But don't worry, it's not always that cold! It has the ability to warm up. So it can sleep on your bed without being too cold. It has a good temper and a great personality. It is very friendly and caring.(Common)

Snow Dragon:

It is similar to the Ice Dragon, but instead of ice, in can make any glass of water turn to nice, fluffy snow! It can even make snow out of water vapor in thin air! Don't worry, its personality definitely isn't as cold as it is. And it can warm up just like the Ice Dragon. Surprisingly, it has an outstanding ability to climb! It can scale a wall or climb to the top of any tree. The Snow Dragon is a great companion and friend for anybody.(Rare)

Earth Dragon:

The Earth Dragon has a great, earthy personality! It is very conservative. Not only is it a tree hugger, but it votes for Bernie Sanders too! It has the ability to cause earthquakes anywhere and can make hills and mountains erupt at any location too! It has a very keen sense of magnetism, because it can sense which direction is North, or South, or any direction! It is very wise and has an outstanding personality too! One great companion, and a great advisor too!(Very Common)

Rust Dragon:

I sadly don't have a picture of it, but its egg looks a little more orange than the Earth Dragon's egg. It can deoxidize any iron or steel, or do the opposite. Its spit is very corrosive too. It has a great personality and lots of knowledge. It is also a tinkerer.(Uncommon)

Fire Dragon:

Again, I sadly don't have a picture of this dragon, but its egg is slightly redder than the Grocery Dragon's egg. It can set anything on fire and has a personality just as warm as it is. It is a great friend, but it can't keep secrets very good. Did I mention it can breathe fire too? Oh yeah, it is also a very skilled pyrotechnic.(Rare)

Electric Dragon:

I wish I didn't have to say it, but I don't have a picture, AGAIN. The Electric Dragon can recharge any phone, tablet, or computer in seconds. It can recharge lead acid batteries too. No need for an electric bill anymore either! It can power a whole house without touching anything. It had a short temper, but it has a great, kind personality.(Very Rare)

Gold Dragon:

There is only one of these dragons in the universe. It takes 30 years to hatch from its gold egg. It is very mean, but it poops gold nuggets. It is so rare, that I know almost nothing about it.(Extremely Ultra Rare)

Diamond Dragon:

This Dragon is just as rare as the Gold Dragon, but much meaner. It shows no compassion or love. It poops diamonds and can make diamonds out of thin air.(Extremely Ultra Rare)

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